NUS Scotland, who represents around 500,000 students from Scotland’s colleges and universities, is making politics more accessible to disabled students today as they sign up to the One in Five campaign.
One In Five, the cross party campaign working to get better representation of disabled people in Politics and make our Politics and it’s institutions look more like the people, has earned support from all of Scotland’s main political parties represented in Holyrood as well as other notable organisations such as COSLA, Common Weal and Women 50:50. Many people get into Politics as a student and so having NUS Scotland signed up is a big step.
Jamie Walker, One In Five Ambassador said:
“It is fantastic news that NUS Scotland have agreed to sign up to the One in Five Campaign. This is a hugely progressive step forward for not just the campaign but for inclusion and empowerment of disabled students across Scotland.
Students like myself who are disabled, face a considerable number of challenges in their social and as well their academic life and with NUS Scotland signing up to the campaign this can give students a chance to participate fully and feel empowered so that we can begin to remove the barriers that disabled people face and create a fairer and more equal society in the process.”
NUS Scotland President Vonnie Sandlan said:
“I wholeheartedly back the One in Five campaign on behalf of NUS Scotland. Increasing political participation amongst disabled people in Scotland is hugely important – and NUS Scotland is proud to promote equality for all every day on campus, in the Scottish Parliament and across public life.”
Heather Armstrong, NUS Scotland’s Disabled Students’ Officer, said:
“NUS Scotland’s liberation campaigns have a long history of campaigning for equality in Scotland and our Disabled Students’ Campaign is working to ensure disabled students have equal access to support, resources and opportunities. We welcome the One in Five campaign and hope that it will help bring down the barriers standing in the way of equal representation for disabled people in Scotland.”
The One in Five campaign has achieved much in its early days, not least getting such a broad range of support. Their next big focus is campaigning for the Scottish Government to offer increased support to aspiring disabled politicians through an Access to Elected Office Fund in Scotland. This fund would help remove the financial barriers that disabled people face when trying to get a start in Politics, like covering the cost of sign language interpreters or meeting extra travel costs. Watch this space!
Notes to editors:
For more information, please contact Jamie Szymkowiak
Tel: 07734392582
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