PRESS RELEASE (EMBARGO 00.01am BST on Thursday 23rd August) Attention: News desks PRESS RELEASE DISABLED PEOPLE UNITE AGAINST STARBUCKS’ PLASTIC STRAW BAN GLOBAL COALITION OF DISABILITY ORGANISATIONS SUPPORT ‘ONE IN FIVE’   Disability organisations representing over 500,000 disabled people in Europe and North America have thrown their weight behind a letter to Starbucks CEO, Kevin…

Canyetes de plàstic per a persones amb discapacitat

Kevin Johnson President i CEO Starbucks Coffee Company   Benvolgut Sr. Johnson, Canyetes de plàstic per a persones amb discapacitat Fa un mes des que el seu anunci de la intenció d’Starbucks d’eliminar les canyetes de plàstic d’un sol ús de tots els seus establiments arreu del món abans de l’any 2020[1]va causar certa preocupació…

Pajitas de plástico para discapacitados

Kevin Johnson Presidente y consejero delegado Starbucks Coffee Company   Estimado Sr. Johnson, Pajitas de plástico para discapacitados Ha pasado poco más de un mes desde que usted emitiese su comunicado relacionado con la intención de Starbucks de eliminar las pajitas de plástico de un solo uso para el año 2020. Este comunicado fue fuente…

Plastik-Strohhalme für Menchen mit Behinderung

Kevin Johnson President & CEO Starbucks Coffee Company     Sehr geehrter Herr Johnson Plastik-Strohhalme für Menchen mit Behinderung Es ist bereits länger als einen Monat her, dass Starbucks sein Vorhaben angekündigt hat, bis 2020[1]weltweit auf den Einsatz von Einweg-Plastik-Strohhalmen zu verzichten. Dieses Vorhaben verursachte große Sorgen in der in der Gruppe der Menschen mit…

Pailles en plastique pour les personnes handicapées

Kevin Johnson President & CEO Starbucks Coffee Company     Monsieur le Président, Sujet: pailles en plastique pour les personnes handicapées Il y a tout juste un mois vous indiquiez que l’intention de Starbucks d’éliminer les pailles en plastique à usage unique d’ici 2020 à échelle mondiale avait créé une préoccupation importante parmi la communauté…

Higher Education and Disability

When I think about higher education and disability, I think about something the inspirational Professor Stephen Hawking once said. He advised people with disabilities to “concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with”. These are wise words. The Open University aims to enable all our…

In Conclusion…

One in Five has decided to conclude our campaign. We at One in Five are immensely proud of what we achieved as a non-funded, grassroots, cross-party political campaign. Did the campaign succeed? Yes and no. Ultimately we haven’t seen a significant increase in the numbers of disabled people in elected office but when we started…

Postcode Lottery

A few years ago the phrase Postcode Lottery was used almost continuously to describe the differences between health care from one area to another. A few weeks ago I found out for myself that this is still unfortunately fairly accurate. For the last couple of years I’ve had occasional issues with my hip due to…

Making An Impact

By Councillor John Cairney, South Lanarkshire Council I was first elected as a councillor in 2007 just two years after being officially registered as blind. It was the third time I had run for office and losing my sight did lead me to rethink my campaign strategy around purely practical considerations. Whether that change of…