By Hannah Bettsworth, Campaigner and Liberal Democrat My disability is an invisible one – dyspraxia, also known as Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, a specific learning difficulty. The single most common thing I get asked is ‘is that like dyslexia?’ The answer is – no, not really. It’s part of the same group of disorders, but the person who…
By Sarah Eckford, SNP campaigner A month or two ago, I heard about a campaign called the One in Five Campaign. It is built on the premise that roughly 1 in 5 people in society have some kind of disability and this should be represented in areas of political representation, as well as within wider…
by Scottish Green Party member Sarah Anderson Looking back, disabilities of one kind or another have played a large part of my life. I am disabled in more than one way, both hidden and visible and to greater and lesser amounts. When people ask me to list my disabilities I’m greater for the tick more…
New project to tackle underrepresentation of disabled people in politics. New funding of £35,305 will help disabled people participate in politics. Disabled people, a group which is under-represented within elected offices across Scotland, will now get extra support to help encourage participation and representation. The wide ranging support for increasing disabled people’s representation in politics…